Maxing the PF multiplier (upper ramp loops) is very important. After 10 loops, complete W-H-O for Sonic Booms (10M x multiplier each shot).
After locking 2 balls and the Time Expander rises, select Dr. 7 to help you start Multiball faster. He doubles your white target hits.
Maxing PF multiplier then video mode all day is a valid strategy but slow. Video mode is easy to memorize. Jump at the end for an extra 1M.
When starting multiball, hit the center Dalek target to start with the higher jackpot value and also get closer to super jackpot (Davros)
Every time you launch a ball (even after a lock) you can select your doctor to help you. Choose wisely.
Choosing doctor: #1 helps you get to video mode. #3 helps you get extra ball. #6 increases multiplier faster. #7 helps you get to Multiball.
Extra balls are surprisingly valuable on Dr Who in competitive play, because you get a free doctor to play with.
Doctor #4 is surprisingly effective during Multiball, as he makes REPAIR targets worth more, and balls constantly rebound into them in MB.
Every wave of video mode completed gives a doctor. All 7 doctors gives a bonus of 20M (which can be multiplied).
If you have access to operator settings, set Video Mode to Extra Hard, makes game more fun, not all that much harder, but gives more to do.