Shoot the lit standup targets to light lock. Lock 2 balls at or under the ramp. Jackpot is the Million Plus shot lit on the side ramp.
Either cellar scoops will restart multiball. You don't have to hit the blinking one.
Right inlane lights the right cellar scoop (the yellow one) momentarily for a cellar award
The left ramp spots a target. This a good idea for the NW target which is often death.
Skillshot is plunging the drops, but it's dangerous. Safer to soft plunge to a flipper. If you drain with 0 score it gives your ball back.
The right orbit spinner changes the cellar scoop award. Some awards such as quick multiball and light extra ball can be very valuable.
Shoot cellar scoops for longer games (2 extra balls lit for every 8), start multiballs for more points (Million+ dwarfs all other scoring).