Super Secret Skill Shot: Short plunge, Camera Ramp, Factory Ramp, Gobstopper Ramp, TV. TV will turn chocolate when factory ramp hit.
Try to short plunge into computer shot for skillshot, if you plunge too hard use upper right flipper to shoot ramp for other skillshot.
Gobstopper target lights locks and advances bonus x. Wonka bars are 500 points a piece in bonus.
When shooting for TV try to glance G.U.M. targets ball will activate targets, spin Augustus spinner, and go in to TV saucer.
Shoot both orbits to light super x playfield multiplier. Spinner changes the value. Start at the computer shot.
For the Gobstopper lock try to forehand the shot (R flipper) then, once the hole spins around backhand the shot (L flipper) Works every time
Shoot the Gobstopper target to light lock. It will have a rotating disc with a scoop that opens that you shoot to lock the ball.