Softplunge to get "K" in LOKI. Let ball drain, do it again to get another LOKI letter. Now you only need 2 left orbits to light lock for MB!
Soft plunge for a 500K super skillshot to Captain America.
Complete Avenger shots to light their inserts in center playfield. When two are lit, hit their shots back to back to start a Vs. mball mode.
Spelling LOKI at inlanes lights multiball lock at left orbit.
Holding left flipper and full plunging around the orbit allows you to shoot black widow for a 750k+ skill shot
Light Hulk MB by completing the Hulk drop targets 3 times. Hitting the standups behind Hulk spots targets. Start MB at the Hulk saucer
Soft plunge for gentle feed back to right flipper, which you can then use to hit left orbit all day.