This 1991 machine has alphanumeric displays and the Williams "W" logo on the speaker grilles. A licensed conversion kit changed these items. See Dutch Pinball's 2014 'The Machine: Bride of Pin�bot 2.0'. Stephanie Rogers ( plays the voice of The Machine. 10/27/2010 A user reports that ROM version L-7 has a multi-player bug in it and is not recommended. The error is: If any player joins the billionaire's club, after they drain and their bonus is collected, the machine will reset. L-6 does not contain this bug. Artist John Youssi provided us the following information:I painted the backglass based on a rough sketch Python gave me. I re-sketched the whole thing, adding detail while tightening it up. Python was the artist for the cabinet while Kevin O'Connor inked only. I remember Python doing all the art except for the backglass. Plus it all looks like his style. We saw Kevin O'Connor's name listed among the Team Credits on a playfield plastic near the left flipper, although he only inked the playfield. He confirms this information to us:Looking at the playfield, I sort of recall dreading to ink all those circles in the middle and thinking how insanely intricate Python's pencil was, but that's it - inking only. I had great respect for Python's artistic ability and felt honored to be trusted with part of the production of his project. Python was big on giving everyone credit. Production data for Bride of Pinbot: Production Start Date: Feb-11-1991 Production End Date: Jun-29-1991 Production Run Quantity: 8100 First ship date: Feb-16-1991 Last ship date: after May-21-1991, records missing.