Spinner million points are awarded in bonus, so Hold Bonus and Award Bonus can be very valuable awards if Spinner Millions is reached.
Shoot left ramp or roll though the left inlane. Then shoot the right ramp or right loop to collect the award. Repeat until spinner millions
On first lock, the DMD cycles through awards and a corresponding lock grid space will light up. Drop ball in grid space to get award.
Looping the ramps for Yakuza is a good way to start if you can do it consistently, and it also builds toward spinner mils and quick MB
Lock balls in matrix 3 in a row, allows your jackpots to be 3x
Don't hold down the move buttons in Video Mode - tap to move in the dir you want, then use them to speed up on the dots when you get close
Starting Yakuza mode right before starting multiball can be extremely lucrative
Bob's bunker lights first lock. Start a mode to light second and third locks.
The Left Flipper changes the selected mode.
NASCure mode drops the ball in the Jet Lanes after a successful shot,making it the quickest and safest way to max bonus.Helpful for SpinMil