Smash the car multiple times then left orbit for multiball
Soft plunges that go past the second rollover and roll back into crate are BAD: no Job progress, minimal score, melts the Ball Save timer.
Short soft plunge in to the case for another skill shot. Helps jobs progress.
Short plunge into the popper for skill shot, Popper spots enemies.
Try soft-plunging balls served from the trough before they auto-launch, to directly serve those balls to the Right Flipper via the Crate.
Spell WINSTON to light lock on center ramp
Job shots give 5s extra time. Once per Job, finish Crate sequence again for a ~30s extension. May exceed the original 60-second time limit.
Oath Marker targets light outlane ball saves. FLASHING outlane = active, SOLID outlane = CONSUMED. Fight an Adversary to reset both outlanes
Enemies "block shot arrows." Job shots and Jackpots require clearing any Enemies away from the shot (up to 6) before they can be collected.
Soft plunge avoiding both rollovers gives Baba Yaga skill shot, starting at 1.5mil