Optional shaker motor available at additional cost. The translite shows the game name as "Medieval Madness" while the sides of the cabinet show "Ye Olde Medieval Madness". This game is a remake of Williams' 1997 'Medieval Madness' but carries no Williams logos or branding. The translite has additional copyright wording. Planetary Pinball Supply, Inc. stated the playfield itself is the same playfield with the exception that there may be some different holes for mounting the electronics boards under the playfield, LEDs, etc. Chicago Gaming Company made this game for Planetary Pinball Supply, Inc. using the Stern Pinball, Inc. factory to assemble the playfield and cabinet assemblies using both original specification WEG (Williams Electronic Games, Inc.) Medieval Madness parts and newly-designed CGC parts (electronics and lighting systems). Manufacturer price when new: $7995.00 See also Chicago Gaming Company's 2015 'Medieval Madness (Remake Limited Edition)'.