Pull the gun trigger during Video Mode to use a "Smart Bomb", which destroys all the on-screen phurbas. Only works once per video mode.
Shoot the 4 rings to start Vengeance (ramps worth 5m, 7m, etc.). Completing all 4 rings awards 50M. Comboing 4 rings in a row awards 100M.
Mode (scene) points are awarded in end of ball bonus.
During "Farley Claymore" mode, shoot the ball up to the battlefield as all hits up there will count towards easily completing the mode.
Shooting the left loop - side loop - Khan scoop combo can be worth many points as you get more and more of them.
Pull the gun trigger to collect a Mongol Hurry-Up for 3 million points.
Left orbit to upper loop 2-way combo starts at 10mil and goes up 3mil every time completed. Value carries over ball to ball.
Bonus X does not multiply the lucrative mode points awarded at the end of ball. Vengeance is the most likely to be valuable skill shot.
Pull the trigger when you first shoot into the 3 scoops. You will hear “Anyone for Peking duck?” The next mode is the secret laughing mode