Voices by Dennis Nordman, Ben Heckendorn, Jason Jones, Charlie Emery, KT Emery, Joe Anderson, Heather Fonseca, Bryan Kelly, Andrew Edgerton, Jesse Bohnsack, and Alyson Herreid. First production game from this manufacturer. Four prototype games exist. First game produced March 21, 2014. The manufacturer advertised a total production run of 150 units. They advertised the 150th game as their final one to be auctioned for charity on October 16, 2015. It would have special gold-colored parts, unique side rails, and a plaque stating it was the last unit sold by them. Pictured here is the game serial number ending in 149, labeled by the manufacturer as the "Last Game Out The Door". The flyer shows a prototype backglass for the blue version game. The production version of this glass is pictured separately. The flyer shows the production glass for the green version. Price when new: $5995.00. The manufacturer's website offered for separate sale these items which may be found installed on a game as after-factory changes: � A "Ghost Buster Premium" LED kit made by an outside company. This kit included LED lamps to replace all manufacturer-installed insert lamps and GI lamps with LEDs to "upgrade" the existing colors by (according to their comparison pictures) brightening some of the existing colors and changing some others to a different color. � America's Most Haunted 9 Piece Plastic Protector Set.