Hit loops X amount of times for tour multiball, hit ramps X amount of times for jam multiball, compete stand up/drop targets for album multi
Mash "Fire" if you drain out during MB to use a VIP Pass (award a shot you need). If this completes the 5 main shots, you extend MB.
ALL multiballs are started by shooting the right ramp.
Use the cannon to shoot the bell instead of the AC/DC targets unless the point award will be significant (say 10m plus).
Shoot the bell x times for 2x, and 3x scoring for 20 sec. Shoot bell during that time for 20 more seconds of 2x + 3x scoring.
Super skill shot by plunging the ball and holding in the right flipper to kick ball around to flippers and make any of the 5 major shots...
Super skill awards +2 VIPs. During Hells Bells, hit the FIRE button before the timer runs out to award a shot and collect both (LE only)
Safest shot when firing the canon (opting out of song/multiball jackpots) is the left loop.
If you don't know what song to play, just pick Hells Bells and don't change songs. Alternate between the bell and everything else.
When one inlane is flashing, rolling over it will make the next shot worth double.